<div class="sc-eySxxw fIKYYX pf-98_ ctm-why-chose-sec" data-pf-type="Column">
<p class="sc-bvFjSx yVjXo pf-101_" tabindex="0" spellcheck="false" data-pf-type="Paragraph3">ECO-COOL is built for any extreme climate condition</p>
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<div class="ctm-why-choose-dtl-box-img"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0766/7525/2508/files/1_Icon_1.png?v=1693467002" alt="SLEEK AERODYNAMIC DESIGN" /></div>
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<h3 class="sc-emDsmM BOtMC rid-8" tabindex="0" spellcheck="false" data-pf-type="Heading2">SLEEK AERODYNAMIC DESIGN</h3>
<p class="sc-bvFjSx yVjXo rid-12" tabindex="0" spellcheck="false" data-pf-type="Paragraph3">ECO-COOL is everything you want in an AC system when making that buying decision for your new RV, or if you’re replacing a poorly performing unit. Its streamlined low-profile design provides optimal aesthetics, reduces air resistance, and virtually eliminates mechanical vibration.</p>
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<div class="ctm-why-choose-dtl-box-img"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0766/7525/2508/files/2_Icon_9f057579-b535-41e5-8422-8de656079f0e.png?v=1693467001" alt="BTU PERFORMANCE" /></div>
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<h3 class="sc-emDsmM BOtMC rid-8" tabindex="0" spellcheck="false" data-pf-type="Heading2">BTU PERFORMANCE</h3>
<p class="sc-bvFjSx yVjXo rid-12" tabindex="0" spellcheck="false" data-pf-type="Paragraph3">With an optimized heat exchanger and high-performance compressor technology, ECO Cool ensures optimal temperatures in the most extreme climate conditions.</p>
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<div class="ctm-why-choose-dtl-box-img"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0766/7525/2508/files/3_Icon_1_dddd.png?v=1693467002" alt="CFM AIR FLOW" /></div>
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<h3 class="sc-emDsmM BOtMC rid-8" tabindex="0" spellcheck="false" data-pf-type="Heading2">CFM AIR FLOW</h3>
<p class="sc-bvFjSx yVjXo rid-12" tabindex="0" spellcheck="false" data-pf-type="Paragraph3">At three hundred fifty C-F-M and three different speed options, including a turbo function, ECO-COOL will always meet your airflow demands.</p>
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<div class="ctm-why-choose-dtl-box-img"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0766/7525/2508/files/4_Icon_64b1b339-3aab-41f7-9f0e-ca98b76fea6a.png?v=1693467001" alt="AMP Draw Savings" /></div>
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<h3 class="sc-emDsmM BOtMC rid-8" tabindex="0" spellcheck="false" data-pf-type="Heading2">AMP Draw Savings</h3>
<p class="sc-bvFjSx yVjXo rid-12" tabindex="0" spellcheck="false" data-pf-type="Paragraph3">ECO COOL operates at a power draw savings of thirty percent or more over our competitors’ systems for off-the-grid users with battery systems, which translates to longer run times.</p>